Recording tips for high quality audio

Good audio is critical to your learning success.  You might be a great instructional designer and create the most engaging courses possible.  But it all falls apart if the audio quality in your course is not very good.

If you have the money, then getting a professional audio engineer to record your audio is the best option. However, many of us don't have a deep pocket. If you do have a limited budget (or you want to do the narration yourself) then here are some tips to help you do the best job possible.

1.  Invest in a good quality microphone

When it comes to microphones, you typically get what you pay for.  A good mic is going to give you good audio quality.  This isn’t to say that you can’t make do with an inexpensive microphone. But the difference between a normal desktop microphone and a high end condenser is quite substantial. So this is not really an area you can cheap out on.

2.  Maintain a consistent environment.

In an ideal world, you have a recording studio where you can control all of the sound. However, not everyone can afford to make a studio. So you have to be smart about making the right environment.

  • Try to use the same room and maintain the same settings on your computer and the microphone set up.
  • If you’re using a desktop microphone, use a mic stand and measure the recording distance so that the next time you record you have the same set up.
  • Use a screen to help prevent the popping p’s that plague so many amateur recording sessions.
  • Unplug office machines.  Turn off fans and air conditioners.
  • Place your microphone away from your computer.  You might not realize it, but your computer makes a lot of fan noise (not cheers as in celebration of you, but the actual fan that keeps the PC cooled).
These are some advices that'll help you make great sounding audio files in no time. 


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