Don't Set Youself Up To Fail


That's the one thing every aspiring artist is afraid of. Especially in the music industry, a single failure is 10 times more worse than any other industry. Why? Because in our society, people expect us to fail. They except us to break down and accept that we made a mistake in choosing to pursue our passion instead of going for a conventional career. So when the stakes and the pressure is as high as that, a single failure can weigh down tremendously on a single person's shoulder; sometimes even enough to make him regret his decision.

Even though the music industry has evolved tenfold over the past decade, it is still not viewed as a conventional career choice in modern society. People still expect musicians to fail. However, now, the entire dynamic has changed regarding how artists perceive that failure. In this day and age, if you let failure take over, you're doomed right from the start. Let me elaborate; I'll be frank, i'm not the most experienced person you will meet in regards to music, however, there are a few experiences I have had, and mistakes that I have made as a 21st century individual, that you might find helpful or enlightening. The single biggest piece of advise I or anyone for that matter can give you is, never ever set yourself up to fail. That is the single biggest cardinal sin of the music industry. I'm not saying this isn't true for any career path, however, it holds much more water in music because of the added peer pressure that comes along with it.

If you are going to begin something, do it with all of your undivided attention. "You can study computer science and be a programmer, and at the side you can continue practicing music as well and see where life takes you". How many times have you heard something like this from a friend or a relative? I'll tell you right now that if you follow that path, you have earned yourself a one-way ticket to mediocrity for the rest of your life. If you divide your attention at the very start of your endeavors, you're gonna fail. Make no mistake about it. Your career is always in your hands. It's about your choices. Naturally, it should get the maximum amount of attention and dedication as well.

Pick one path. One path which your heart and your head leads you to and stick to it like glue. Don't listen to what anyone says. If you put your entire dedication towards it, chances are that you will reach that summit of success and more importantly, you'll be happy climbing that summit because one of the biggest achievements a person can achieve in life is to make a living out of his passion.


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